A compass with the words Fail, SuccessA compass with the words Fail, SuccessA compass with the words Fail, Success
5 Minute Read
May 9, 2024

Introducing Our Principal Readiness Quiz

How do I know I am ready? People tell me I’ll be a good principal, but I want to be sure.

You are not alone. The two questions we hear most often from teachers and aspiring principals thinking about the principalship are: Am I ready? And, could this really be me? 

These are good questions. You want to do more for the students in your school community, but you’re not totally sure if you’ll be successful as a school leader. The good news is that school leadership is learned and developed over time—and strengthened through consistent practice. 

Let’s take a few moments to reflect on where you are right now.

Take our Principal Readiness Quiz 

Our Principal Readiness Quiz is designed to help you identify your leadership strengths and areas where you are already exemplifying leadership as well as uncover areas for future growth. You can take the quiz right now. Or you can review the 10 statements below.

Here’s how it works: Read through each statement and respond with the frequency with which you do that particular action. At the end of the quiz, we’ll show you how to score it and you’ll receive a school leadership profile that explores your readiness to move into the principal role.  

Answer each of the ten statements honestly and thoughtfully for how often the statement is accurate. There are no right or wrong answers, only opportunities for self-discovery and professional growth.

1. I believe all children are capable of extraordinary things and my instruction drives positive learning outcomes for every student. 

A. Always

B. Often

C. Occasionally

D. Never 

2. I collaboratively plan with my team, developing and executing detailed instructional plans.

A. Always

B. Often

C. Occasionally

D. Never

3. I seek input from diverse stakeholders and use a variety of data points to inform my decision-making process. 

A. Always

B. Often

C. Occasionally

D. Never 

4. My professional development is a top priority; continuous learning is my motto and I dedicate time to pursue it.

A. Always

B. Often

C. Occasionally

D. Never 

5. I develop partnerships with families and regularly engage with our community to support student success. 

A. Always

B. Often

C. Occasionally

D. Never 

6. I prioritize culture responsiveness in my instruction to ensure all students experience affirmation and belonging in school. 

A. Always

B. Often

C. Occasionally

D. Never

7. I value open and honest feedback and work with my peers to solve problems. 

A. Always

B. Often

C. Occasionally

D. Never

8. I view setbacks as learning opportunities and try to lead by example to overcome challenges. 

A. Always

B. Often

C. Occasionally

D. Never

9. I consistently use a variety of data sources to inform and evaluate my instructional strategies and decisions. 

A. Always

B. Often

C. Occasionally

D. Never

10. I show empathy and try to understand multiple perspectives beyond my own.

A. Always

B. Often

C. Occasionally

D. Never 

Your Principal Readiness Profile

Here’s how you score your answers: Every A. answer is worth 5 points. Every B. answer is worth 4 points. Every C. answer is worth 3 points, and every D. answer is worth 1 point.

Natural Leader: If you scored between 30-40 points, you are a natural leader. You embody the principles of transformational leadership, consistently demonstrating a commitment to equity, innovation, and instructional excellence. Moving into school leadership roles should be your next priority. The Fellowship can turn your dream of becoming a school principal into a reality. Apply today.

Aspiring Leader: If you scored between 11-29 points, you are an aspiring leader. You are in the early stages of developing your leadership style. Embracing opportunities for professional development, seeking mentorship, and focusing on core leadership competencies will be crucial steps in your journey. You are ready—and the Fellowship is a great next step. Apply today.

Emerging Leader: If you scored between 0-10 points, you are an emerging leader. You are at the very beginning of the journey. Finding ways to explore and enhance your leadership skills is the next right step for you. Learn more about how to do that in your school. As you continue to grow your leadership, the Fellowship can become your next best step, too. 

Your dream of becoming a principal is more achievable than ever.

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A woman holding a bell with a smiling face.

Ready to Amplify Your Impact?

Your dream of becoming a principal is more achievable than ever.
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Fellow, Michelle Means, cut out in orange square frame | Fellowship Images
Michelle Means
Fellowship Alum, '23
District of Columbia
New Hampshire
New Jersey
New Mexico
New York
North Carolina
North Dakota
Rhode Island
South Carolina
South Dakota
West Virginia

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Thank you! We have already received your request for information for the National Aspiring Principals Fellowship. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach us via text at (646) 846-3672(646) 846-3672 or email at fellowshipquestions@newleaders.edu, and our team will be in touch with you shortly.

We look forward to you joining us and taking the next step in your leadership journey.

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